To start the new year, I combed the Internet for content marketing tips and trends. The folks at Social Media Examiner have a great list (26 Essentials for Blogging Success: What You Need to Know) for those of us interested in online marketing. My favorites in this list include:
- #4 Website/blog Design Elements. Simple ways to make sure your website/blog has a smart, professional design.
- #6 Text formatting. This one gives sage tips on formatting the body text of blog posts.
- #9 Images in Posts. Suitable and properly placed images enhance your blog posts and improve SEO.
- #13 Mobile Friendly. A reminder that mobile reading/viewing of Internet content is an avalanche rolling your way – be sure your web content is mobile friendly.
- #18 Reputation Matters. Negative online posts about you or your company can be devastating. You must be aware of your reputation and defend it.
- #25 YouTube Video. Add a YouTube account and video posts to your website for those who enjoy video and, of course, boost your search engine “findability” factor.
What do you think of these ideas? Do you have a good list to share? Let me know!